Casey argues for day/month/year instead of year/month/day (ISO 8601)
Celsius is stupid for ambient air temperature

Follow up:
Root bug post was in the dev forums, not the support forums.
Reporting to [email protected]
XProtect and Xplorer
Shell script

iOS keyboard woes and Gboard

John's Touch Bar switch

Jony Ive hears your feedback
Should we get rid of paper books? (via Josh Keegan)
Will Apple ever make backlit desktop keyboards? (via Craig)
How does dynamic podcast-ad targeting work? (via Prodan Statev)

iOS 11.2 emergency release for December 2 bug
"Month 13 is out of bounds" bug in High Sierra
John's phone is full
Google Photos ad
Sparse bundle

Post-show: Forecast
LAME MP3 encoder
Logic Pro X
Cocoa Bindings
Under the Radar #108: Punch-List Mode
Forgotten Towel on Twitter

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