We have Mike, Raj, Mauricio and new addition to the team AJ (graduate of the NZ Radio Training School) sitting around a table at Golding Free Dive we discuss “is radio still a thing” and what's happening to broadcast TV?


We have a nostalgic moment when talking about Palm (“Palm is coming back!”) and Windows in the 90’s and how things used to be.

“The support process is broken”

We discus many many fails and interesting stories in tech at the moment including but not limited to:

Ring doorbell
Online back up fails.
Microsoft Band vs Fitbit vs other Kick Starter fails
Why are apps/services disappearing faster and faster, without the ability to get your data out.
We live in a disposable tech society 
Facebook Customer services support issues
Adobe Customer services support issues
Data over-charges 
Google hardware issues
Bonus fail

Fake taxi image used on a political campaign (using Google images)

So grab your favourite beverage and join us for a funny and insightful conversation.


We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!

Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.

All our past shows are on our website

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