Pascale, one the team, talks to Murray Clode about art, tech and what happen when the two worlds collide. Tucked upstairs in a nice new sunshiny office at Basestation coworking space in Tauranga CDB, Murray share how he has followed his passion for exploring his inner-creative while at the same time helping unleash others.

If you are into non linear journeys, Murray’s story is one of a kind. From the world of Telecommunications to Architecture to heavy industry then on to management and Business Improvement through Six Sigma and Lean and onto IT services business management as General Manager and Company Director and now onto Art.

He’s made his business to improve his own happiness by leaving big business behind to combine his business knowledge with his art talent and venture into ‘artpreneurship’.

As many times in any entrepreneurial journeys things take a turn for the better [mostly] when a community element is added and happy collisions with techies happen to deliver more than just apps. So tune in to find out more about what makes Murray truly tick and about upcoming Art of Technology, launching for its third iteration on October 18 in Tauranga.