Dave Lane chats with Menno Finlay-Smits (@mjs0) about the Cacophony Project that will turn birdsong into data and use the best of breed IT technologies to dramatically improve our trapping ability. 

It's a cracking conversation and we'd like to thank Dave for his first episode on the podcast, here's to many more.

- https://cacophony.org.nz/
- https://github.com/TheCacophonyProject
- https://twitter.com/birdsongnz
- https://twitter.com/mjs0
- http://menno.io/


Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstarts

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