Kate Kolich (https://nz.linkedin.com/in/katarina-kolich-28881a118) has worked in the Wellington banking industry for many years, most notably at BNZ where she is currently the Head of Enterprise Data and Information Services.

Whilst we touch on her work at the BNZ, as we sat in their sparkly new Partner Centre, we focussed mostly on her role in engaging more women into tech and specifically into the data sciences arena.

This work includes New Zealand's first ever Stanford Women In Data Sciences (WIDS) Conference to be held in Auckland on March 5th - details: https://www.widsnz.org/

We also find out why Katarina has such a passion for connecting those new to the industry with those that have experience and how that has her purposefully growing a public profile because, "You can't be what you can't see!"

Find out more about Katarina's work with the NZTech Women: https://techwomen.nz/


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