Josh Forde (@JoshForde) co-founder of Rabid Technologies the tech company behind many of New Zealand's online companies such as PledgeMe. Raj and Josh talk a little about what they do but focus more on where they are taking the company, the challenges within (re)focusing a fairly well established company. Josh explains how they have grown out of their Enspiral roots and are now looking at supporting "social good" using the skills and experiences they have at their fingertips.

They also discuss the growth of Rabid, it's future and how to expand outside of New Zealand - everyone wants to do this so listen and learn as to how Rabid are tackling this particular challenge.


Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstarts

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