We thank Hamish McGregor who took time out of his busy schedule to meet Mike in Miramar between flights, and it was well worth it.

Hamish discusses the kin2kin (https://kin2kin.com/) app that he co-founded in Wanaka, it's origin, the journey of a startup, being an entrepreneur, and how having an idea and even the first release is only the first tiny steps.

[Mike: kin2kin is probably one of the few apps we've encountered via the podcast that I have instantly seen how it would help in my life. The idea of shared family photos via wifi frames makes my heart sing.]

- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/hamish-mcgregor-4324b114
- https://kin2kin.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/kin2kinapp/
- https://twitter.com/kin2kinapp


Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstarts

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