We chat with Eva Sherwood from v and NZTech. Eva is in Sales at Oracle – working with govt. Eva started in Finance while studying from there she was approached to work on “some new software” thing becoming a software tester.

We talk about new career paths e.g. not having to be a Doctor, lawyer or accountant. Get into tech where there are great roles that a really well paid.

Eva also chairs the specialty group, Women in Tech – part of NZTech where Eva is a board member too). Eva points out that the tertiary institutions produced 50%/50% male/female grads, yet the Tech sector still has much lower ratio (music like many other industries). We also touch on the language used in job ads that are heavily male leaning (and aggressive).

Fascinating story and great commentary and perspective on women in tech.

Last thought – “think about your daughters and what opportunities you would like to see for them”.


We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!

Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.



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