Previous Episode: Infosec for startups
Next Episode: Securing CI/CD

Interview with Hisham Alhakim about FedRAMP, FISMA, Nist, FIPS, SBOM, Zero Trust, collaboration with engineers.

What startups need to know about FedRAMP and how to work with your friendly compliance manager.

For episode 13, I’ll be talking to Hisham Alhakim . Hisham is a Security Compliance Manager, and has focussed his camera on Security, Privacy, and Compliance. Hisham worked at both consulting firms, and in-house. For today's episode we’ll keep things high level and get the perspective of a compliance practitioner. Focusing on assurance, the advantages of FedRAMP, barriers, and underlying standard setting bodies and requirements like your NIST, CISA, FISMA.

Since this episode is a deep dive into compliance, I’ll add a note that Hisham's opinions are that of a practitioner and don’t reflect any current of past employers . And with all policy and compliance advice, please consult with your in-house counsel before implementing any advice from a free podcast.