Previous Episode: Create New Futures

Rob and Kennedy are with us today to share how to create deeper relationships with every subscriber on your list, and some creative campaigns that you can use to make more profit per subscriber – whilst making your list love you more. While surveys represent the ‘dead-end' in almost every business on the planet, Rob and Kennedy will share with you how you can use surveys as an incredible segmentation tool to make more sales, and shorten the time it takes you to get an ROI for every subscriber.

Rob and Kennedy are the most unlikely entrepreneurs you'll ever meet. Sporting hairstyles that look like comic-book characters and backgrounds in psychology, hypnosis, and show-business – it's hard to believe they're serial entrepreneurs with an uncanny knack for building businesses with riotous email marketing. Visit their website to explore the possibilities. And check out this special offer for Accelerate Your Business Growth listeners.

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Rob and Kennedy are with us today to share how to create deeper relationships with every subscriber on your list, and some creative campaigns that you can use to make more profit per subscriber – whilst making your list love you more. While surveys represent the ‘dead-end' in almost every business on the planet, Rob and Kennedy will share with you how you can use surveys as an incredible segmentation tool to make more sales, and shorten the time it takes you to get an ROI for every subscriber.

Rob and Kennedy are the most unlikely entrepreneurs you'll ever meet. Sporting hairstyles that look like comic-book characters and backgrounds in psychology, hypnosis, and show-business – it's hard to believe they're serial entrepreneurs with an uncanny knack for building businesses with riotous email marketing. Visit their website to explore the possibilities. And check out this special offer for Accelerate Your Business Growth listeners.

Today's show is sponsored by is a leading provider of spoken audio entertainment and information. Listen to audiobooks whenever and wherever you want. Get a free book when you sign up for a 30-day free trial at

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