There are ways to build people up so they can succeed, and of course, ways to miss the boat entirely. On today's show David Long, the author of Built To Lead, joins us to share his thoughts on how we can make sure we grow managers successfully. 

David is Founder/CEO of MyEmployees, a 25 year-old firm in the Top 1% Worldwide in the Employee Engagement and Recognition industry. His firm specializes in helping managers build stronger, more engaging relationships with their team members, while linking the rewards and recognition program to the desired goals of the company.

David believes (and lives to his very core) what Zig Ziglar said was required to become truly successful in life. He said, “You can have ANYTHING you want in life IF you will FIRST help others get what THEY want!” As a result, David has touched untold lives through the years, including employees, clients, friends and family...and he'll show you exactly how he did it in this book!

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