Garland Vance is the Founder of AdVance Leadership and author of Gettin' (un)Busy: 5 Steps to Kill Busyness and Live with Purpose, Productivity, and Peace. Busyness is not a badge of honor. It is, however, steeped in good intentions as busyness is an overcommitment to good commitments. Garland emphasizes the need to uncommit and get unbusy through his 5 steps. He also shares a few practices of highly productive yet unbusy people in time blocking and working around the whole schedule according to 4 buckets: relationships, rest, reflection, and recreation.


Commitment, not time management, is the solution to busyness

Busyness is overcommitment the same way hoarding is over-collecting

5 steps to get unbusy: Decide, Deconstruct, Design, Develop, Draw others in

4 practices of unbusy people: Relationships, Rest, Reflection, and Recreation

Garland: "As technology progressed, our boundaries in life regressed. And so, it used to be in Herman Kahn's day, you had an office and at the end of the day, maybe you packed up your briefcase and had a couple of papers that you brought home. But you couldn't take your office with you. And we're at the point now where there are no borders at all."
Garland: "Busyness is an overcommitment to too many good commitments. So nobody's busy because they're doing terrible things, unless you're a dictator or a drug dealer, something along those lines. Those people are busy for bad reasons, but for most of us, we're busy because of work, because of kids, because we have more projects to do around the home, we're busy because we're trying to reintegrate into life after COVID."
Garland: "This is a self-inflicted injury. You're doing this to yourself and I couldn't see it. And that's when I realized, okay, that is what busyness is overcommitting whereas hoarding is over-collecting."
Garland: "Purpose is all about knowing what your why is. Why am I on the planet? Simon Sinek emphasized this a lot. Why am I on the planet? What am I here to do? Why does my job exist? So know your why. Productivity is doing your why. So productivity isn't about activity. It's about accomplishment of what you actually do that moves you toward your purpose." 
"And then peace is resting on your why. It's the willingness to say I can do anything I want but I can't do everything at once and I won't be able to do everything I want. So what are the few things that I'm going to commit to and then how do I say no to everything else?"

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Garland Vance is the Founder of AdVance Leadership and author of Gettin' (un)Busy: 5 Steps to Kill Busyness and Live with Purpose, Productivity, and Peace. Busyness is not a badge of honor. It is, however, steeped in good intentions as busyness is an overcommitment to good commitments. Garland emphasizes the need to uncommit and get unbusy through his 5 steps. He also shares a few practices of highly productive yet unbusy people in time blocking and working around the whole schedule according to 4 buckets: relationships, rest, reflection, and recreation.


Commitment, not time management, is the solution to busyness
Busyness is overcommitment the same way hoarding is over-collecting
5 steps to get unbusy: Decide, Deconstruct, Design, Develop, Draw others in
4 practices of unbusy people: Relationships, Rest, Reflection, and Recreation


Garland: "As technology progressed, our boundaries in life regressed. And so, it used to be in Herman Kahn's day, you had an office and at the end of the day, maybe you packed up your briefcase and had a couple of papers that you brought home. But you couldn't take your office with you. And we're at the point now where there are no borders at all."

Garland: "Busyness is an overcommitment to too many good commitments. So nobody's busy because they're doing terrible things, unless you're a dictator or a drug dealer, something along those lines. Those people are busy for bad reasons, but for most of us, we're busy because of work, because of kids, because we have more projects to do around the home, we're busy because we're trying to reintegrate into life after COVID."

Garland: "This is a self-inflicted injury. You're doing this to yourself and I couldn't see it. And that's when I realized, okay, that is what busyness is overcommitting whereas hoarding is over-collecting."

Garland: "Purpose is all about knowing what your why is. Why am I on the planet? Simon Sinek emphasized this a lot. Why am I on the planet? What am I here to do? Why does my job exist? So know your why. Productivity is doing your why. So productivity isn't about activity. It's about accomplishment of what you actually do that moves you toward your purpose." 

"And then peace is resting on your why. It's the willingness to say I can do anything I want but I can't do everything at once and I won't be able to do everything I want. So what are the few things that I'm going to commit to and then how do I say no to everything else?"

Find out more about Garland and get his book in the links below:



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