Derek Jankowski is the Vice President of Sales at ServiceCore. Which is a great example of a company that is using software to disrupt an industry that most people think of a decidedly low tech. On today's episode we dig into Derek's journey in his sales career; including the start he got in sales in college and how that ultimately led to his current role scaling a sales team at Service Core. We also talk about Derek's passion project, his side venture called Next Level Sales Leadership. Which is focused on helping new(ish) sales leaders get the knowledge and skills they need to be more successful, faster! Most FLMs are craving this type of support and we dig into what Derek is providing through his venture.

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Selling with Purpose Podcast

Derek Jankowski is the Vice President of Sales at ServiceCore. Which is a great example of a company that is using software to disrupt an industry that most people think of a decidedly low tech. On today's episode we dig into Derek's journey in his sales career; including the start he got in sales in college and how that ultimately led to his current role scaling a sales team at Service Core. We also talk about Derek's passion project, his side venture called Next Level Sales Leadership. Which is focused on helping new(ish) sales leaders get the knowledge and skills they need to be more successful, faster! Most FLMs are craving this type of support and we dig into what Derek is providing through his venture.

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Explore the Podcast Universe:

Sales Enablement Podcast

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Selling with Purpose Podcast