On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Margaret Hart, Counsel, Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, about the passage of S.B. 94 in West Virginia. For far too long, voting with a paper ballot by mail has been the only way to vote absentee in most states, which disenfranchises many voters with disabilities from having equal access to absentee voting. In West Virginia, the passage of S.B. 94 allows voters with disabilities to mark, cast and verify their ballot electronically. On this podcast, we discuss this issue and the great work of ACB, the Washington Lawyer’s Committee, the state of West Virginia and others who made this policy change happen. To learn more about the Washington Lawyer’s Committee, please visit: www.washlaw.org. To read the ACB press release on this issue, please visit: https://www.acb.org/ACB-commends-WV-accessible-absentee-voting.