Date: June 16, 2021 Speakers: Chris Martin & Kyle Knight Title: #54. Church in the Summer Notes: Let’s face it, church in the summer time is just…different. Lot’s of us are out of town on vacations, or have family coming into town, and sometimes attending church gets pushed to the back burner. Well, let’s talk […]

Date: June 16, 2021

Speakers: Chris Martin & Kyle Knight

Title: #54. Church in the Summer

Notes: Let’s face it, church in the summer time is just…different. Lot’s of us are out of town on vacations, or have family coming into town, and sometimes attending church gets pushed to the back burner. Well, let’s talk about that! We sat down with our lead pastor Chris Martin to talk about what happens in churches in the summer months, some trends and interesting findings, and what specifically is happening at Fathom Church that you all can still get plugged into and excited for! Enjoy!

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