Management experts agree that workplace conflict is a natural, unavoidable occurrence that surfaces in every office and in every relationship. Of course, the key is to identify conflict and appropriately manage it so that everyone involved has a voice and learns something positive. 

In the latest episode of ACA Cast titled “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm: Managing Conflicts,” listeners will hear tips and strategies for working through office conflicts by creating an environment that encourages and promotes open communications and accepts instructive criticism. Michael Lamm, managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions and the featured speaker on an ACA Cast monthly episode, shares his insights based upon his successful career working with ARM professionals at the most junior and senior levels of employment.

Aside from creating an office that encourages honest feedback among employees, Lamm strongly urges listeners to avoid seeking to resolve conflict via email or other forms of electronic communications. “If you have a problem, it is always better to handle it face-to-face versus using email because email can be interpreted in in so many different ways…and it can lead to the problem reoccurring or getting worse,” Lamm said. 

“Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm” is a regular ACA Cast series.

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