Great ideas are not exclusive to the boardroom! Effective leaders understand that all staffers can contribute worthy thoughts to the “idea box.”  

Effective leaders recognize that revolutionary ideas are just as likely to emerge from a junior staffer sitting in a cubicle as they are from a seasoned executive leading a board meeting. The big challenge is encouraging staff members – regardless of position and experience – to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. This is a timeless hurdle faced by many leaders who seek to create a healthy work environment that promotes thoughtful discussions resulting in growth and improvement.

In the latest episode of ACA Cast titled, “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm: Idea Engagement,” Kim Coghill, ACA’s vice president of communications, and Alex Szeto, the ACA Cast producer, talk with Michael Lamm about new and thoughtful approaches to encouraging staff to share ideas. Lamm, the managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions in Philadelphia, is featured in a regular ACA Cast series titled, “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm.” 

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