We load up the wagon for a cross-country tour of saisons, and we go all ‘Murica on you anyways despite drinking delicate Belgian-style beers. On this episode, we review five saisons from five different states all over this great land. You’ll hear some talk of serving temperatures, food pairings, and off flavors as we lazily audition for a freebie Cicerone certification. There’s also some creepy man-crush talk about Cory King and Troy Casey, a digression about the hyper-religious 90’s, some dangerous note-taking, and a few gushing saison problems. We also try hard not to turn it into one giant lemon party. God Bless America.


Hill Farmstead Anna
Side Project Saison du Blé
Casey Brewing and Blending Saison (Batch 3)
Sante Adairius Rustic Ales Saison Bernice
Jester King/Crooked Stave/Trois Dames Sin Frontera


Side Project Saison du Blé
Hill Farmstead Anna
Sante Adairius Rustic Ales Saison Bernice
Casey Brewing and Blending Saison (Batch 3)
Jester King/Crooked Stave/Trois Dames Sin Frontera