This episode goes out to our BFFs in Chicago beer as we open five brettanomyces-enhanced bottles. And despite our fully-disclosed amicable relationships with these brewers, we manage to be brutally honest in our reviews. You’re welcome, buds! Mostly though, you’ll hear us analyze our own friendship through some light reminiscing, reflect on being held, articulate Craig’s specific measurements for beer success, and make at least two fart jokes. Ryan also reads a brief essay about brettanomyces he cobbled together, and Craig is angry about cucumber water. And we become better brett friends than we thought possible. Forever? Forever-ever? Forever-ever?



1. Goose Island Clybourn - Brettanomite Sour Wheat Ale

2. Lake Effect - Session Brett Extra Pale Ale

3. Une Année - Xellensis Belgian Blonde Ale

4. Transient - Peur Saison

5. Middle Brow - Cobrastyle Saison



1. Lake Effect - Session Brett Extra Pale Ale

2. Transient - Peur Saison

3. Goose Island Clybourn - Brettanomite Sour Wheat Ale

4. Une Année - Xellensis Belgian Blonde Ale

5. Middle Brow - Cobrastyle Saison