With Duneyrr Artisan Fermenta Project, Tyler Davis wants to explore the ways wine and beer fermentation can cross over into styles that defy traditional categorization. And with Moderne Dune, he is using newer ingredients and techniques with IPAs and lagers in thoughtful and artful ways. We talk with Tyler about his many projects and upcoming taproom, the origins of Duneyrr, his brewing history, choosing quality over locality when it matters, and how deep into the world of wine he’s looking to venture. Then we drink five beers - two from Moderne Dune and three from Duneyrr - to better appreciate his vision and see how our beer-centric tastes react to his wine hybrids. We also threaten to kill the Cold IPA, Craig goes all Whitman on us, and Ryan’s getting rich off those NFTs. Can we be franc?

Beers Reviewed

Moderne Dune - River Yacht (Cold IPA w/ Mosaic, Meridian, and Motueka)

Moderne Dune - Invited Concept (DDH Lager w/ Loral and Citra)

Duneyrr Artisan Fermenta Project - Freya Franc (Sour Hybrid w/ strawberries and Cabernet Franc grape must)

Duneyrr Artisan Fermenta Project - Sauvÿn Blanc (Sour Hybrid w/ passion fruit, Sauvignon Blanc grape must)

Duneyrr Artisan Fermenta Project - Hazy Et Blanc! (Double IPA w/ Sauvignon Blanc grape juice, Phantasm, Citra, Hallertau Blanc, and Nelson Sauvin)