THIS WEEK: Dave Seager aka GoonerDave66 joins regular "hosts" Joel and Kyle for an entirely Invincible and essentially Arsenal-themed episode! A Classic Worldie moment featuring the the extraordinary feat that was the Invincible season of 2003/4 and This Week's Worldie dedicated to the genuinely possibility of a repeat of that feat this season - but not from the teams you're thinking of. Also featuring an exert of Dave's new book, an Arsene Wenger chat-bot and Murphy the dog.

Absolue Worldie takes a lighthearted, mostly irreverant and occasionally informative look at the beautiful game. This Week's Worldie (something happening in the world of football right now) and a Classic Worldie (a story from the past, both recent and distant, about the madness that is world football). Often featuring special guests, always featuring lively debate, "chat-bots" and stupidity, the Absolute Worldie Football Podcast is a must-listen for all the family (at least we think so).