Happy New Year!

I know 2013 is going to be a great year and I look forward to the possibilities it brings us all!

I was going to post this particular podcast last week however, I realized that posting an interview on Christmas Day might be overstepping what should be time spent with my family... so here it is today!

Today I have Martin F. Frascogna on the show, he is an attorney who specializes in international entertainment law. He has worked with international musicians, Grammy winners, labels and tours, currently representing clientele in 23 countries spanning 6 continents.

Frascogna also works directly with indie artists at various levels in their career in order to help them efficiently progress using new age approaches and a global mindset. A constant blogger who boldly leaks information typically withheld from artist by labels, attorneys, manager and agents, Frascogna is also published by the American Bar Associations (ABA), the leading authority used by lawyers and universities. Frascogna acted as a contributing author to Entertainment Law for the General Practitioner addressing new global issues. The contribution made Frascogna one of the youngest attorneys published by the ABA on entertainment law. He also authored an e-book series to assist indie artists with hopes of expanding into international markets (How To Market & Promote Music in SWEDEN – How To Market & Promote Music in ITALY). Frascogna is also a contributor, both as a blogger and speaker to MIDEM, the world’s largest music conference held annually in Cannes France.

Marty has a lot of stories to tell and advice to give so be sure to check this one out!