Previous Episode: Be Filled (Dreamvotion WK17)
Next Episode: WELCOME!!!

"The Domino Effect"

I'm sure we are all familiar with stacking dominoes in various patterns just to later watch them all neatly fall down.  Just as you reach out to tip over the first domino to set off the chain reaction, such is LIFE. Our words and actions have powerful effects on others.  Every time you something to people to encourage or discourage them; or do something to serve or disserve them; you make an impact on their lives.  Then those people go on to impact others around them in similar ways.  God calls every follower of Jesus to give a "kingdom tip" to the domino in front of him or her.  Our words and actions cause a consequential and exponential impact on the lives of others around us.  Each person impacted because we intentionally touched just one.  Though we seldom see past the domino in front of us, we can trust God to take our seemingly inconsequential actions of obedience--spiritually prompted prayers, inspired words and individual encounters--to make a much wider impact over time than we could ever imagine. Matthew 9:37 reads, "the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few".  Jesus didn't try to reach the masses all at once.  He always focused on the person directly in front of Him, performing single acts of service and changing one life at a time.  Neither should we waste our energy worrying about the second, eighth or twelfth domino down the line. All we need to focus on is tipping whatever ONE domino God has placed in front you.  It's not necessary to wait until all the dominos are lined up and all questions answered before touching the person in front of us.  Every heart has multiple entry points. Jesus didn't live by a formula. He saw a need, engaged a person's heart and compassionately reached out toward each situation differently.  Do not allow fear and self-consciousness to rob you of blessings others and being blessed yourself.  We must first get over ourselves, engage our hearts and LOVE will show us what to do.  And the domino effect of allowing God to love through you will change not just one life, but countless others.

THIS WEEK'S CHARGE:  Love the person in front of you, as God leads.

Inspired by the book, "You Are God's Plan A", by Dwight Robinson