Next Episode: DREAM CYCLE

"The attitude you should have is one of that Christ Jesus had: He always had the nature of God, but he did not think that by force he should try to remain equal with God. Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took on the nature of a servant. He became like a human being and appeared in human likeness. He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death - His death on the cross." Philippians 2:5-8 GNT

God has outfitted each of His front line non-professional, commonplace, everyday ministers with camouflage. It's part of His strategy in equipping us to carry out His plan. This camouflage could resemble an ordinary job in fields like education, healthcare and business. Or it may even take on the appearance of a neighbor, student, family member or co-worker. The purpose of our ministry camouflage is NOT to hide our faith; but rather, it will allow people who have been turned off by some aspect of Christianity or organized religion to get to know Christ--through you--apart from their own baggage. While we draw close to Jesus as we draw close to them, they'll smell the aroma of Christ on you and will likely want MORE.
Camouflage comes in many forms and styles, and as a follower of Christ you've been issued one tailor-made just for you. The Father sent Jesus to earth in camouflage as is mentioned in today's text. The people who encountered Jesus in His everyday life didn't know they were up close and personal with the Son of God manifested in the flesh. His normal appearance, His parents, His humble beginnings as His vocation as a carpenter ALL played a part in His camouflage. People felt comfortable being with Jesus. They invited Him to their homes, asked to join them for dinner and introduced Him to their friends. Perhaps Jesus was modeling for all of us how we can share His love, grace and truth through the camouflage of our jobs and circumstances. Even as He hung on the cross, He wore the camouflage of a lowly criminal, and while in the presence of an actual criminals, one chose to believe in Him and join Him in heaven. God can use your challenging circumstances to serve as camouflage by placing you in a better position to minister to someone else in need--perhaps in a similar circumstance. Your camouflage ministry uniform is one of the best assets you have as you serve others and bring God up close to them.

This Week's Charge: Identify your various forms of ministry camouflage and daily share the love of Christ

                                             ~~Inspired by the book "You Are God's Plan A" by Dwight Robinson