Previous Episode: NO LIMITS LIVING

Have you ever felt like your world has fallen apart?

What do you do when you feel like all you ever worked for, aimed for, thought about, doesn't really matter? 
There may have been times you feel like there's no real purpose in your tomorrow.
     You have the power to change your current situation. You can overcome these feelings of depression and defeat and find your purpose by first learning to accept who and whose you are. This is not any easy first step in the journey to your discovering your destiny. In fact, it may be one of the hardest things you will ever follow through on, but it's definitely the most rewarding.
     When we find ourselves at the lowest points in our lives, it's easy to look in the mirror and point out our insecurities. We focus on our faults instead of God's favor.  But, instead of counting all the things you wish you could be; start counting your blessings and those things for which you are most thankful. There are things in your life right now that you possess that bring out your natural inner and outer beauty. Begin to see yourself as God sees you. The reality is you are a one-of-a-kind original treasure made in the image of the Creator. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
     TODAY, stop focusing on your problems and begin focusing on the promises. "For we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:28) This scripture serves as reassurance that no matter how far you have fallen; how far you missed the mark; or no longer travel the path to your purpose. 

God uses EVERYTHING you have gone through to bring about His perfect predestined plan for you to live an abundant LIFE.