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6 Keys to Finding Your PurposeSolve the mystery of what you're meant to do with your life Published on November 30, 2012 by Dr. Susan Biali, M.D. in Prescriptions for LifeHere are “Six E’s of Finding Your Purpose” 1) ElusiveMany think that purpose should be obvious and easy to identify, an idea that leads to much frustration and disappointment. More typically your purpose will slowly emerge as you put one foot in front of the other, following where your heart, talents and life seem to be leading you.
2) EvolvingThere may be the occasional person who knows their purpose from the time they were a child, sets out on the perfect course of study, and spends their whole life doing what they were meant to. This wasn’t my experience, and chances are it wasn’t yours either. As you go through this journey, gaining wisdom about yourself and receiving delicious, surprising clues from life (I liken it to a treasure hunt), your sense of purpose will evolve and change. As you seek and live out your purpose, don’t be afraid to let it evolve if it wants to, even if you were sure you had already discovered and embarked on what you were destined to be in this life.
3) Emerges from ExperienceBy all means set out on the course that feels and seems right to you, but be open to learning from it and adjusting.  What experience or purpose is calling to you? Give it a chance. If it causes you to change your mind or even abandon what you sincerely thought was the right path for you, you’re wiser for having tried it.
4) Exactly perfectly timedSometimes when things don’t happen in the time frame we’re expecting, we think all is lost or that we were wrong to begin with. In our society in particular, many mistakenly believe that fresh starts, success and exciting, passionate purpose are only for the young (the young being anyone who is younger than us).  If you’ve got a dream and your heart still beats with it, even though nothing seems to be happening, keep at it and don’t let go. Other times, you may feel it right to step away for a while and come back when it calls you again or circumstances shift.
5) Eminently qualified  Go for whatever calls you. Sure, get as much training as you’re able to and need to get started, but don’t hesitate to go for something even if you don’t have all your ducks or qualifications lined up in a row. Some of the best artists have never taken an art class. Your natural genius may even be negatively impacted by an “expert” imposing their theories or structure regarding what its expression should look like. Just get started, and next steps will become clear.
6) Enjoyable Adventure Don’t get too stressed about this or put too much pressure on yourself about clarifying your purpose. Your purpose might indeed be something grand and complicated, or it may be as simple as dispensing love and kindness wherever you go. Remember to be present in the moment, and delight in watching it all unfold. LIFE really is beautiful!