John was born in Dallas, grew up in Huntsville, AL, and has lived in Birmingham, AL, since 2005. He received an undergrad degree from The University of Alabama and an M.Div. from Beeson Divinity School; he is also a licensed and ordained minister and holds certifications specializing in addiction recovery and mental health.Before founding Unbound Grace, John was a minister in Birmingham at a local church for 11.5 years. Unbound Grace was founded out of John's struggle with substance and alcohol. Its primary purpose is to help families and individuals find hope in the wilderness of addiction through counseling, discipleship, and community. Their niche focus is recovery in the context of real-life through relationships and the Word of God. He is married with two beautiful daughters and a dog named Bear. To learn more about Unbound Grace, please visit

He is available for preaching and speaking engagements.

3:37 - Growing up in the church in Dallas, TX
9:35 - Exploring Independence in College
14:00 - Asking hard questions in his early 20s
19:20 - Anxiety of performance leading to alcohol use
23:12 - Chains of Addiction
27:48 - Moment of humility and vulnerability
32:15 - What he learned from rehab
36:35 - Reality of Sobriety
41:30 - Starting organization for addicts and the 4 rhythms of Recovery for Life
45:00 - Advice for 25 year old self
48:15 - Unbound Grace: Find Hope in the Wilderness of Addiction

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