After each interview, I will be recapping the "Questions to Ask Yourself" I put in the show notes, ( Questions have the power to create momentum and change in the hearts and minds of people no matter where you are in life.

1. When in my life have I discredited an opportunity that led to a positive outcome?
2. What personality trait have I used to hurt others yet could use to help and encourage instead?
3. What advice would I give my 20 year old self?
4. How has my view of faith changed in the last 10 years?
5. What painful events change my life for the good?
6. What new thing am I wanting to try yet too afraid to fail at it?

2:50 - Dad being the most noble person he ever met

5:30 - Going to college at Penn State

9:35 - Missing out out on his dream job with Disney

13:05 - Becoming a field engineer for NASA with his mentor, Skip

19:30 - Realizing in his 20s having imposter syndrome

24:10 - Redeeming and reusing his humor for good not destruction or hide his insecurity

25:30 - Positively impacting people through his photography business

28:55 - Advice for his 20 year old self

31:20 - 2 events that led to the biggest turning point in his life

33:50 - View of Christianity and religion for most of his life

37:15 - Becoming a Christian beyond Sundays

40:23 - Message for New Fathers

47:30 - Wife being the catalyst to his career change

50:05 - Love of photography started

51:20 - Being willing to try something new

55:00 - Failing in a creative space is freeing and inspiring others

56:30 - Reminder to his 20-year old self

60:30 - Refigured Project