In this episode, I interview Tyler Dickerhoof of Impact Driven Leader Podcast. We discuss his story and how vulnerability and a collective thinking transformed him as a person and leader.

Tyler is a leader, speaker, and podcast host for the Impact Driven Leader. He gets excited about helping leaders in all industries get their teams to the next level. He has a degree from Cornell University, Logged over 20 years of experience starting multiple businesses that have generated more than $500 million in sales, Launched The Impact Makers Podcast, which featured interviews with world renowned leaders like Jon Gordon, Brad Lomenick, and Bob Burg, Became a member on the illustrious John Maxwell Network Marketing Advisory Council, and Grew to be one of the top 5 income earners for the network marketing company, Isagenix, together with my wife, Kelley.

His mission in life is to provide others with the self-awareness, the tools, and the community they need to make the same miraculous transformation as he did.

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