The mappers take a journey to a world where anthropomorphic animals live alongside humans and a journey begins to acquire a number of magical orbs. No, it’s not Dragon Ball, it’s Beyond Good & Evil! In between all the stealth and shutterbugging, Em decides to take a single joke as far beyond its breaking point as they can, while Jackson tries their best to detangle the good and evil of game beginnings and how they relate to the games as a whole. Deep down, they mostly just look towards the future, and reflect on past mistakes. It’s a learning opportunity for us all in this very special* episode.

*episode not that special, really

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Games and Topics This Month

Beyond Good & Evil
Video game openings both good and evil
ZZT by Anna Anthropy, which is great but not really good or … you get the point.\
Plz Diversify Your Panel Note from Matt: at the time of recording this was a very newly minted idea, and many of the things we discussed have since been addressed directly by the people running the site. It’s even more endorsable than it was, and definitely worth your eyeballs on it.

Next Month’s Game Club Games

Heavy Rain
Beyond: Two Souls

Music in this Episode

Blown Away by Kevin McLeod
Propaganda by Christophe Héral
Mass Effect Main Theme by Jack Wall
Shine by Magnus Birgersson
Nuclear by Mike Oldfield

Books Referenced