Lesley Pyle is the founder and owner of HireMyMom.com, a website connecting entrepreneurs with virtual, talented help. She began her work-at-home journey in 1995 with the launch of her first website HBWM.com - Home-Based Working Moms.

In this episode we cover:

Job posting tips
Benefits of hiring remote
Benefits of hiring domestic
Tools and resources to make remote work easy

Resources mentioned:

Like, Love and Follow: The Entreprenista's Guide to Social Media

Connect with Lesley:

Twitter: @hiremymom
Facebook: @hiremymom
Instagram: @hiremymom
Pinterest: @hiremymom
Website: hiremymom.com

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast, PocketCast or your favorite podcast player. It’s easy, you’ll get new episodes automatically, and it also helps the show gain exposure.

The shownotes can be found at zacharysexton.com/32

Lesley Pyle is the founder and owner of HireMyMom.com, a website connecting entrepreneurs with virtual, talented help. She began her work-at-home journey in 1995 with the launch of her first website HBWM.com – Home-Based Working Moms.

In this episode we cover:

Job posting tips
Benefits of hiring remote
Benefits of hiring domestic
Tools and resources to make remote work easy

Resources mentioned:

Like, Love and Follow: The Entreprenista’s Guide to Social Media

Connect with Lesley:

Twitter: @hiremymom
Facebook: @hiremymom
Instagram: @hiremymom
Pinterest: @hiremymom
Website: hiremymom.com

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast, PocketCast or your favorite podcast player. It’s easy, you’ll get new episodes automatically, and it also helps the show gain exposure.

The shownotes can be found at zacharysexton.com/32

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