Broadcasting directly from the Vanderbilt University baseball classroom, we connect with skipper Tim Corbin for a face-to-face interview with one of the best in our game. Known for his masterful way of teaching and developing his players, Corbin will be a featured clinician at our upcoming ABCA Convention in Dallas this January, was also chosen as one of the recipients of this year’s ABCA Dave Keilitz Ethics in Coaching Award, and he is a member of the ABCA Board of Directors. In this interview, we uncover Corbin’s passion and spirit for learning, his quest for knowledge and his growth inside the space of coaching and leading young men. There is humility throughout this episode as we unpack his ability to balance home life and baseball, his definitions of words like impact and success, plus one of the darkest times he faced in coaching and how he was able to bring himself, his players and his program to a place of celebration.