The Supreme Court has seen a number of religious freedom cases so far in 2021. In a 5-4 ruling in Tandon v. Newsom, the high court struck down COVID-related restrictions on group religious activities in private homes. Also, in Fulton v. Philadelphia, a case involving a Catholic group that objects to placing foster children with same-sex couples, SCOTUS ruled that the city of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment when it froze the contract of the Catholic Foster Care Agency.

So, did the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett impact these religious freedom cases? Do these decisions set any sort of precedent for future cases? On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Craig Williams is joined by Professor Jim Oleske from Lewis & Clark Law School, to discuss SCOTUS & religious freedom, focusing on the shadow docket, the rulings stemming from COVID restrictions, and the impact these rulings will have on future cases centered around religion.