Are the Philadelphia Phillies 2023 World Series Contenders? Last season Bryce Harper, Kyle Schwarber, Zack Wheeler and the Phillies caught lightning in a bottle and returned to the World Series for the first time since 2009... falling to the Houston Astros 4 games to 2. As of right now, the Phillies are in the Wild Card push, currently holding the second wild card spot in the National League, and trailing the Atlanta Braves by 11.5 games for the NL East Division. With two months left in the season, are the Phillies serious World Series contenders? The Phillies made two moves in yesterday's trade deadline, bolstering their starting rotation and bench. The Phillies traded prospect, Hao-Yu Lee, to the Detroit Tigers in exchange for pitcher Michael Lorenzen. The Phillies sent pitcher Bailey Falter to the Pittsburgh Pirates for infielder Rodolfo Castro. How do you grade Dave Dombrowski and Sam Fuld's moves at the deadline? Do the moves raise your confidence in the Phillies' postseason push?