On today’s episode, Les Bowen will be joined by Mike Tanier, currently of The Messenger, formerly of Bleacher Report, The New York Times, Football Outsiders, and a few other outlets. Tanier got a late sportswriting start, after a career as a high school math teacher. Les and Mike will talk about Mike’s journey, and how his unconventional background informs his writing. The Philadelphia Eagles finally made some long-awaited moves at linebacker — Will they be enough? K’Von Wallace, down to maybe his last chance, seems to be having a good camp. But another touted draft pick of yore, Davion Taylor, has been shown the door as the Birds prepare to open their preseason Saturday evening in Baltimore. The Eagles have signed Myles Jack and Zach Cunningham to help out the depth at linebacker, as Nakobe Dean suffered an ankle injury, will Myles Jack be a starter right away? Also, back in the good old days, Mike and Les had to walk 10 miles uphill each way to get to training camp! Now camping is more like glamping. (Les shakes fist at cloud.) The two will discuss the changes that have happened to Philadelphia Eagles' training camps.