
The issues of racial injustice and police brutality are on full display once again. In Kenosha, WI Jake Blake was shot by police officers 7 times in the back because he "could have been reaching for a knife". Just days later 17 year old Austin Rittenhouse arrived in Kenosha, WI from Illinois to counter-protest. Rittenhouse walked the streets toting an AR-15, which he was illegally in possession of based on both IL & WI law. Rittenhouse shot 3 people, killing 2 of them. He was not immediately apprehended or detained. There was no manhunt. Rittenhouse made it all the way back to Illinois before he was arrested. He has since been charged with multiple counts, including murder. 

A black man, father of three young children, who "could have been reaching for a knife" is shot in the back at point blank range 7 times. The police officers responsible have not been fired, or charged in any way.

A white kid who had no business being in the state AND was breaking multiple laws just by being there ACTUALLY kills 2 people, but still makes it back home. 

There are people defending both the cops & Rittenhouse for their actions that have resulted in another wave of protests. Digging DEEP for an excuse about how it is okay to shoot a man in the back who was unarmed and posed no immediate threat. Those cops are COWARDS. Digging DEEPER for an excuse to defend a kid who shouldn't have been there in the first place killing 2 people. 

Bottom line, if the police 'do their job' in this situation and de-escalate the situation rather than do the exact opposite, Jake Blake is not shot in front of his kids, there are no protests, there are no counter protests, Kenosha, WI is still in tact & the two people killed by Austin Rittenhouse are still alive.  

Miraculously, Jake Blake survived the shooting. He is now paralyzed from the waist down. His life will be forever changed because of the reckless behavior of a police force, supposed to "serve and protect". Serve and protect means that by agreeing to those terms, you are willing to die protecting others. Serve and protect does NOT mean that you should be willing to kill to protect yourself. Often times police in this country will shoot first & ask questions later, especially when it comes to black men & women.

Contrasting these two situations (just in case you missed the point on: Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and countless others) it should be BLATANTLY clear that we have a massive problem in America. 

In the sports space, it is time for us to see athletes first as human beings. It is time to listen to them, and to each other. In every other aspect of life, It is time to hold one another to a higher standard. One that does not tolerate racism in any way shape or form. We need to keep this dialogue open. It will be uncomfortable, it will be hard, but it will be worth it. 

"No pressure, no diamond."  

-Z & -A


Please enjoy this 'My Guys' episode, and good luck in your fantasy football drafts! Hit us on on Twitter & IG: @AtoZffb


Don't be a racist. 



Future Thieves | On Fire | Exit/In (2018)

**We do NOT own the rights to this music**


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