In this episode of The Torah Podcast, we ponder how Moshe and the Jewish people could create a brick-and-mortar house for Hashem. The Mishkan is the main focus of this week's parsha, and together, we explore its many practical and kabbalistic lessons. This Dvar Torah culminates in a fresh look and novel approach to fulfilling the mitzvos. Let me know your thoughts. Good Shabbas!

A Closer Look at God's Directions For Building The Mishkan
Find out more about the construction of the Mishkan with this detailed exploration into God's directions for building it. Get ready for an insightful journey!

Step into the ancient world of the Mishkan! Follow the detailed instructions God gave Moses for building his Tabernacle, and discover what it was like to construct God's dwelling on earth.

Understand the Materials Used in Building the Mishkan.
Every material used in the construction of the Mishkan was carefully chosen, and each had a specific purpose. Every item was essential for God's holy tent, from the acacia wood boards to the richly embroidered tapestries to the gold and silver. Discover how each material played its part in creating a place where God could meet with His people.

Explore the Plans for Making Each Element of the Mishkan.
The details about the elements of the Mishkan are found in remarkable fact throughout two different Bible books. First, Exodus provides a blueprint for making each piece. Then, Leviticus expounds on the purpose and function behind each article and explains how they fit together into the larger structure of the Mishkan. Take a closer look at this extraordinary edifice and examine God's directions for creating His Tabernacle in the desert.

Learn the Details Involved in Constructing the Sacred Structure.
Building the Mishkan was a painstakingly detailed task involving sourcing resources from all the Israelites living in the wilderness. God gave specific instructions on both what materials to use and their exact dimensions, guiding the skilled artisans along every step of the way. Utilizing natural fibers such as goat hair, rams' skins dyed red, and badger skin (perfect for a long-term outdoor dwelling), they were instructed to construct a permanent structure to serve as God's home amongst His people.

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