Benjamin and Zac explore the latest WWDC rumors circling, including tech specs for the 15-inch MacBook Air and a report on exactly what Apple apps we can expect to see on the upcoming AR/VR headset at launch. Plus, HomePod Sound Recognition launches, Apple TV beta tests its new Multiview streaming feature and TV+ makes a landmark deal with Canal+ to expand awareness of its content.

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Zac Hall @apollozac or

Benjamin Mayo @bzamayo and @[email protected]

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iPhone SE 4 once again in flux as Kuo updates latest planning

Apple Card Savings Account: Hands-on and how to sign up to start earning interest

HomePod can now notify you when it hears your smoke detector alarm

Apple TV+ content now streaming on Canal+ at no extra charge

Hands-on with the new Multiview feature for Apple TV sports streams

Kuo: 15-inch MacBook Air won't offer 'M2 Pro' chip configuration after all

Netflix's password sharing crackdown coming to the US

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