For the third episode of our ongoing Fantasia series Jon and Keith saw two wildly different films. Described (by Jon and Keith) as a "kilometer long and high obsidian wall" and "a buddy comedy with zombies that gets dark" respectively, Thanatomorphose and The Battery are both prime examples of what makes a festival like Fantasia great. Did we like them? Listen now!

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For the third episode of our ongoing Fantasia series Jon and Keith saw two wildly different films. Described (by Jon and Keith) as a “kilometer long and high obsidian wall” and “a buddy comedy with zombies that gets dark” respectively, Thanatomorphose and The Battery are both prime examples of what makes a festival like Fantasia great. Did we like them? Listen now!

The song we use in the intro is “Spooky Loop” by the 8bit bEtty.  Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

The sound clip for the spoilers clip is OHC3 by Kris Keyser is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.

The post 9to5 Goes to Fantasia: Thanatomorphose and The Battery appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).