After nearly a two month hiatus (we fucking love ourselves some hiatuses up in here) we begin the podcast talking about the incomparable Lionel Messi and Jon quickly steers the conversation to League of Legends. In short, we haven’t missed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

The post 9to5 Entertainment System 8: I Hope You Fall Out That Window appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

After nearly a two month hiatus (we fucking love ourselves some hiatuses up in here) we begin the podcast talking about the incomparable Lionel Messi and Jon quickly steers the conversation to League of Legends. In short, we haven’t missed a beat and it’s good to be home.

Your favorite (probably not) podcast has returned and we jump straight into it, jumping back and forth between all the hottest topics. What topics? Listen and find out. Seriously though, we talk comics by Warren Ellis (Ignition City, Transmetropolitan), the “golden age” of indie comics in the 90s (Hellblazer, Sandman, Hellboy and the like), Tilda Swinton’s new movie is called “We Need to Talk About Kevin” (this is bonus information that I do not remember in the podcast), LA Noire, Scott and I gush all over Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, the Steam Box of the future… you know, typical geeky shit, give it a listen right now, what the fuck are you waiting for?

Bonus Material: Enrich Your Listening Pleasure by Knowing What We’re Talking About:

Here’s the speech on monoculture by Spider Jerusalem in Transmetropolitan:

And here’s the video of Messi not diving:

The song we use in the intro is “Shiny Spaceship” by the 8-bit Ninjas.  Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

The post 9to5 Entertainment System 8: I Hope You Fall Out That Window appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).