So Jon and I are alone once again (for the second week in a row if you’re keeping track, like I am) hold down the fort alone. We do what we do best and that’s talk about movies, video games[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

The post 9to5 Entertainment System 63: Return of Bzzzort appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

So Jon and I are alone once again (for the second week in a row if you’re keeping track, like I am) hold down the fort alone. We do what we do best and that’s talk about movies, video games and TV shows, with a smattering of politics thrown in for funsies. Keep it real 9to5ers. For the record, the screenless video game we’re talking about is Johann Sebastian Joust, available as part of Sportsfriends.

The bed music during our advertising is Tone Commander!
The bed music while we explain what the episode is about is Son of a Bit “Chased by a Running Chupacabra” used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Finally, the song we use in the intro is “Shiny Spaceship” by the 8-bit Ninjas.  Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

The post 9to5 Entertainment System 63: Return of Bzzzort appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).