Man, I was really hoping this episode was just going to be about Last Action Hero. Last Action Hero was great. Great soundtrack, great action, an animated talking cat and Tywin Lannister hiding his exploding eye in sneaky places.  […]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

The post 9ES303: Doubting Our Commitment To Mean Girls appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

Man, I was really hoping this episode was just going to be about Last Action Hero. Last Action Hero was great. Great soundtrack, great action, an animated talking cat and Tywin Lannister hiding his exploding eye in sneaky places.


But no, while we definitely do talk quite a bit about Last Action Hero in this episode we also dive into the depravity of Vince McMahon. Vince has been in the news (again) and it seems like Behind the Bastards might need to make a follow up episode because boy, this is some next level stuff.


You might want to just straight up skip over the parts where we talk about his alleged transgressions because it’s all just real fuckin’ gross.


Don’t worry though, we save Last Action Hero for the back half so we go out with a feel good bang! But not before we talk about how the companies that make airplanes are not good at making airplanes anymore! Stay out of the skies kids you might fall!


We’ll see you in two weeks where Keith and Scott will have probably watched more Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Keith will probably be finished with True Detective: Night Country.


Meanwhile over on Garbage Time – we talk about the NHL All Star Game and all that went along with it. Sure we talk a little about the game and the skills competition but we also talk about the most important part of the whole weekend: Michael Bublé on shrooms. Enjoy the show! If that sounds cool then show your support and head over to Patreon and subscribe at the 9ES Deluxe tier to listen to this and all past episodes of Garbage Time!


Credit Where Credit is Due

Our intro song is a brand new jam cooked up by OKU-DA just for us, do yourself a favour and check out his SoundCloud).

The post 9ES303: Doubting Our Commitment To Mean Girls appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).