I rewatched The Raid.  Haha that baby-faced dude kicks the hell out of so many guys.  There’s a certain amount of theatricality that is easy to appreciate in a foreign film.  I think the medium is unique in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

The post 9ES163: Summer Festival Recap appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).



I rewatched The Raid.  Haha that baby-faced dude kicks the hell out of so many guys.  There’s a certain amount of theatricality that is easy to appreciate in a foreign film.  I think the medium is unique in that by not understanding the words they say, we apply to the tone quality delivery of the lines we read.  A linguistic get out of jail free card.  What a relentless movie.

Anyway, action movies are best for working out.  Something about having random violence on the screen while on my bike keeps me energized in a way that no other genre can.  It’s like the action triggers a threat mechanism somehow.  Real talk try working out to Haute Tension.

Wait don’t that might be a bit much.




The post 9ES163: Summer Festival Recap appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).