Here we are again advertising Disney products. I’m kind of fascinated by the tension between lowbrow and highbrow entertainment.  Like… opera, highbrow, mma, lowbrow.  Why?  In parts of the world, at times, mma would have been far and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

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Here we are again advertising Disney products.

I’m kind of fascinated by the tension between lowbrow and highbrow entertainment.  Like… opera, highbrow, mma, lowbrow.  Why?  In parts of the world, at times, mma would have been far and away more highbrow than controlled screaming.  It wasn’t too long ago that actors were so filthy and base that they had to ply their trade outside of city limits.  Shakespeare’s company’s theater, The Globe was across the Thames for this reason.  Here we are now breathlessly analyzing lowbrow film for forty five Goddamned minutes like it’s the pulse of our civilization.

Maybe we’re just really into Disney products.





The post 9ES157: How Many Of Them Are Just Like, Rote? appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).