We thought it was only fair that after we had Katelynd on last episode, we would give her husband, Reese, a chance for rebuttal. We have a jolly good time in what is basically our Holiday episode (we also learn[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

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We thought it was only fair that after we had Katelynd on last episode, we would give her husband, Reese, a chance for rebuttal. We have a jolly good time in what is basically our Holiday episode (we also learn the definition of truffle butter) which works out because Reese is a part of the ComedyWorks Christmas special (more info here) along with other great Montreal talents: Rodney Ramsey, Christophe Davidson, Mike Carrozza, Derek Seguin, Paul Baluyot, Heidi Floss, Massimo, and more!

Seriously though, truffle butter.

Check out Reese on Twitter @re-reeset

f you want sweet photographs, check out his photography site: productionsRE

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Aural Turpitude!

The post Go Plug Yourself 97: Reese Turner appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

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