So, nearly two years ago we had the actor of Vaas in Far Cry 3 on the show to promote the game. With a new installment of the game out now we figured we’d try our luck with trying to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

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So, nearly two years ago we had the actor of Vaas in Far Cry 3 on the show to promote the game. With a new installment of the game out now we figured we’d try our luck with trying to get someone from Ubisoft to do us the solid of coming on to talk about Far Cry 4. We were super psyched to hear back from them to say that Alex Hutchinson, the Creative Director of the game, was available to sit down and chat. Walter learns a lot about exactly what a Creative Director for a video game does and we pretty much want to ride elephants whenever possible. I had yet to play Far Cry 4 at the time of recording, but I’m currently deep into on the PS4 and it kicks all kinds of ass. 

Follow Alex on Twitter @BangBangClick

Keep track of Far Cry on Twitter @FarCrygame

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Aural Turpitude!

We once again fail at remembering to take a photo of us with our guest, so this photo was used from the Assassin’s Creed Wiki.

The post Go Plug Yourself 75: Alex Hutchinson (Far Cry 4) appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

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