Since Jono is in Rome, we decided to call in a friend. The name of that friend? Jimmy! Aka Jason! From Templars! One of these days there will be a new intro song and stuff since this is in theory[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

The post Friends of Episode 1: Jason “Jimmy” McCullough appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

Since Jono is in Rome, we decided to call in a friend. The name of that friend? Jimmy! Aka Jason! From Templars! One of these days there will be a new intro song and stuff since this is in theory a different show from 9ES, but for now, it’s all we got. Enjoy the shenanigans everyone!

The bed music during our advertising is an old loop by Dan of Steel!

The bed music while we explain what the episode is about is Son of a Bit “Chased by a Running Chupacabra” used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Finally, the song we use in the intro is “Shiny Spaceship” by the 8-bit Ninjas.  Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

The post Friends of Episode 1: Jason “Jimmy” McCullough appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).