Episode 10 of 99% Perspiration

Kylie Ann Ford is an actor from South Shields, UK. She was recently part of Northern Stage's North 15 programme, performs around the country with various theatre companies, and can next be seen in Theatre Space North East's Hamlet, from the 2nd to 5th of July.

Iain Rowan is the facilitator of Holmeside Writers, a collective writing group based in Holmeside Coffee, Sunderland, UK. The group meet fortnightly to hang out, critique each others work, and enjoy writing with/around each other.

Featuring the incredible dubstep/chilled fusion of MXI.

We now have a Facebook group - which we're hoping will build into a networking space to swap ideas, collaborate together and promote each other. Come and join in the conversations!

For extra content, head to our official website, or follow us on Twitter.

Produced by Jay Sykes



More about 99% Perspiration

Weekly advice from today's creative & artistic professionals - FOR tomorrow's. We're here to help you gain the confidence and the skills to make your creative calling a career reality.

If you're interested in acting, writing, film, radio, TV, graphic design, animation, theatre, directing, writing, advertising, literature, web production, social media....... Then this is the podcast for you.

You can catch each episode first on Spark FM (Mondays at 2pm), then on iTunes (Wednesdays at 6pm), and finally on Hive Radio (Thursdays at 6:30pm).

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