Previous Episode: 0. What Is This?

Sam Clements is curating a fictional film festival. He'll accept almost anything, but the movie must not be longer than 90 minutes. This is the 90 Minutes (Or Less) Film Fest podcast.

In episode 1, Sam is joined by Simon Renshaw, who has selected the first film of the festival: Mel Brooks's 1968 feature debut, The Producers (88 mins). Simon tells us how he settled on the film, if it's still funny in 2018 and why it should be seen with an audience at the festival. 

We'll be back in a couple of weeks with episode 2!  

Further viewing: Mel Brooks's Oscar speech -

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Hosted by @sam_clements. Produced by Louise Owen. Guest star @SiRenshaw. Music by @martinaustwick. Artwork by @samgilbey. Edited by @lukemakestweets.

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