Previous Episode: Show # 3 August 7
Next Episode: Show # 5, August 21

Here is show # 4
Okay this is a BIG week. This recent "terrorist plot", faked of course, is not a good sign.

On the show this week is:

+First the Listener feedback, along with a website update.
New website for 9/11 News Podcast

What 9/11 truthers have had some face time in the mainstream this week?
Dylan Avery, director of Loose Change, isinterviewed on NPR by Renee Montagne.This was accompanied by a story about conspiracy theories, gaining credibility and the growing truth movement.

Jim Fetzer was on MSNBC August 8th. He was a guest on the show, The big Idea with Donny Deutch.

Jason Bermas, of loose change fame, was also on MSNBC this past week, being interrogated, I mean, interviewed by Michael Smerconish (how do you pronounce that name?)

Mike Malloy was on Alex Jones's talk show, and then Alex Jones was a guest on Malloy's nationally syndicated show.

Christianne Amanpour, CNN’s cheif international correspondent, a real for voice for the truth, usually, mentioned the movement. However, she doesn’t seem to excited about the truth movement. She doesn’t even seem to understand it, actually.

Lou Dobbs did a powerhouse piece on 9/11 lies.

I talk a bit more about Popular Mechanics, and why their book is 50 percent bull,
25 percent "Sh", and 25 percent "It."
Here is that interview.
Click here for an article about Benjamin (lead author and manager of the popular mechanics "Debunking 9/11 Myths" story) and Micheal Chertoff.
Click Here for a great article debunking the Popular Mechanics team, by Paul Joseph Watson.

The Government, in response to FOIA requests, has released detailed information about 9/11 crashes. Good news there,

I discuss the latest UK terror plot, supposedly foiled just in time. Bad news there.

And now, Alex Jones, as well as other respectable voices in the movement warn us that another staged attack may be coming soon.
Click here for a You Tube video of Alex Jone's giving a 'red alert'.
Click here for an excellent archive of Fake terror alerts at
Click here for Larry Chin's article on the brewing "perfect storm."

Then visit's call to action page. This is a great resource for contact information for major media outlets, celebrities, fire and police departments, around the world.

Or, visit and check out their "you can help" page.

And lastly, if you are feeling overwhelmed or frightened, try going to this website.